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Dr. Falk Pharma
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Dr. Falk Pharma.
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Following the footsteps of our founder
Herbert Falk's granddaughter Elena decided to follow her grandpa's footsteps. Why? Find out more and follow Elena on her journey.
Corum – Place To Share
Read about yesterday's groundbreaking ceremony for the building in which we will be working in as of 2026.
30° Congresso Nazionale delle Malattie Digestive
Domani si aprono le porte del FISMAD 2024. Vi aspettiamo allo stand n. 28A!
Advancing the development of naronapride...
...for patients with PPI-non-responsive symptomatic GERD as the second naronapride indication
Corso Esofagite Eosinofilia
Ricorda di registrarti per il terzo corso Monitoraggio il 24.01.2024
Corso Esofagite Eosinofilia
Non dimenticare di registrarti per il secondo corso Terapia il 29.11.2023
Corso Esofagite Eosinofilia
Registrati ora per il primo corso Diagnosi inizia il 6 novembre 2023
Mangiare dev'essere un piacere
Edoardo Mecca e Chef ‘Bubu’ di MasterChef Italia per la campagna di sensibilizzazione sull’Esofagite Eosinofila
Difficoltà di deglutizione? EoE?
Quest’anno supportiamo la settimana EoE per contribuire a sensibilizzare sulla patologia Esofagite Eosinofila.
Cambio ai vertici della Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH
Kai Pinkernell assume il ruolo di Managing Director Science & Innovation.
Rare Disease Day
As the experts in digestive and metabolic medicine, our focus is also on rare diseases.
Collaboration and Licensing Agreement with Takeda and Zedira
To Develop First-in-Class Celiac Disease Therapy
NAFLD: Phase 2a proof of concept study of ZED1227
Dr. Falk Pharma and Zedira announce trial start for the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. First patient enrolled in April.
Have difficulty swallowing food?
Difficulty swallowing and pain while eating may be warning signs of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). The first EoE Day will be held on May 22, 2022.
Future starts here
Plans for the future Falk Campus in Freiburg-Nord finalized.